Saturday, March 23, 2013

The star chart

Each Friday we add up SIP's stars for the week that he accumulates on his star chart for doing various good deeds.  This morning I reminded him that if he had good behavior at school he could redeem his stars that afternoon at Walmart by getting a small toy.

Daddy picked him up this day so I was unable to speak with SIP's teacher myself and would have to rely on his word for how well he had done at school.  After school I asked if he had been good and he replied, "I didn't punch anybody."

Well little man, I thought, reflecting on my own lack of restraint some days, that deserves a star in my book.   

Friday, March 15, 2013

Going to Kindergarten

When God came to me one morning, more than five years ago, and said he would like for me to have a child, I was afraid.  I said, but I will miss this life of fancy free travelling, working, and all the things I enjoyed doing without tethers and other responsibilities.  But God was stern, and he assured me it would all be great if I would just trust him.  And he brought you into my life and you made me a better, more loving, generous, and interesting person and my travels have been richer and I’ve rediscovered a world of firsts and enjoyed them with you and cried with you and ached inside.  And five short years later, it is time for orientation at the elementary school and I am so sad and afraid because more than anything in the world…I will miss this life.    
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.
-Proverbs 3:5

Monday, March 4, 2013

Sticks and Stones: Keys to Success

Sticks and Stones: Keys to Success: SIP sat in the backseat taking in the scenery.  It was a beautiful evening and we talked about the sunset when we drove over the Thunderbolt...